Memory Land—The Past

“Tom Poland is an inquisitive man who keeps an eye out for extravagant chunks of nature, disappearing cultures, and people who are salt of the earth. He has ridden those so-called back roads for years chewing foods, sipping drinks, absorbing stories and documenting his finds. Change is what Poland touches upon frequently.” —Wayne Ford of the Athens Banner Herald  

Change is my subject matter. I think of myself as a blue-collar writer. I write a weekly column for newspapers and journals in Georgia and South Carolina about the South, its people, traditions, lifestyle, and changing culture and speak to groups across South Carolina and Georgia.

I roam forgotten back roads and places where the pace slows, where old mansions crumble, and orchards go untended. It’s there that I find inspiration.

“The past is never dead. It’s not even past.” You’ll find it along the back roads.

Tom Poland Bio Shot

“I just mentioned you today in a meeting with several folks involved in various Georgia history projects. Your name came up as one of our best writers today. If this year permits you to submit stories to Georgia Back Roads, you can rest assured that the editor will rejoice.  I love your stories.” —Dan Roper, Editor, Georgia Back Roads Magazine


Order Of The Palmetto—The highest civilian honor in the State of South Carolina, it recognizes a person’s lifetime achievements and contributions to the State of South Carolina and her people.

Member of Authors Round the South

SC Humanities Speakers Bureau

SC ETV Advisory Council

Your books and articles transport me and many others to a different time as we recall times with our parents/grandparents when life was much simpler, loving, and appreciated. —R. Steadman

I don’t understand how a writer can get writer’s block, so called. My problem is having too much and not being able to get it all down. —James Dickey 

Because I was born in the South, I’m a Southerner. If I had been born in the North, the West, or the Central Plains, I would be just a human being. —Clyde Edgerton

You speak for the Carolina that is sorely neglected–the down-trodden, the forgotten, the ignored, but hard-working, interdependent heart of our state. —Reg Brasington, Columbia, SC

This morning I re-read Tom Poland’s story in the December 2018, issue (Georgia Back Roads) about his grandfather and wanted to shout with joy. Wonderfully written. He’s a writer I’d love to meet. —Terry Kay, Georgia Author of To Dance with the White Dog

I almost cried for what we have lost. I cannot tell you how much it meant to me for you to take me back with you. —Brenda Bancroft, North Augusta, SC

That was about the best program we ever had. Someone compared you to Mark Twain. I had no idea of your gifts of humor.—Tony Scully, president, Kershaw County Historical Society

I just  discovered your stories online. I really enjoy your writing. I plan to read them like my Mama read the Bible—a little at a time so that I can savor them. —Bill Hatch of Carolina Moon Distillery, Edgefield SC

Author and “blue-collar historian” Tom Poland documents the disappearing rural and folk traditions of South Carolina and eastern Georgia with a voice somewhere between newspaper columnist and general store front porch raconteur. — Kyle Petersen

There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility is being superior to your former self. —Ernest Hemingway

Reader on “Moonshine Memories. ” This was one of the most touching stories I have ever read. It touched me in so many different ways that I lost count. I learned about your writing this year and am looking forward to reading all of it. God bless you for your work and what it means to people. I plan to attend the Southern Studies Showcase and hope to see you there.—Kathy Orr

There comes a time when you realize that everything is a dream, and only those things preserved in writing have any possibility of being real. —James Salter

No iron can pierce the heart with such force as a period put just at the right place. ―Babel

The writing life is essentially one of solitary confinement—if you can’t deal with this you needn’t apply. —Will Self in The Guardian

Scars have the strange power to remind us that our past is real. —Cormac McCarthy, All the Pretty Horses

I don’t know why I started writing. I don’t know why anybody does it. Maybe they’re bored, or failures at something else. ― Cormac McCarthy

In going where you have to go, and doing what you have to do, and seeing what you have to see, you dull and blunt the instrument you write with. But I would rather have it bent and dull and know I had to put it on the grindstone again and hammer it into shape and put a whetstone to it, and know that I had something to write about, than to have it bright and shining and nothing to say, or smooth and well-oiled in the closet, but unused. —Ernest Hemingway

Writing is a kind of smoke, seized and put on paper. —James Salter

To be a writer is to be sentenced to correcting. —James Salter

It’s dangerous not to let things age, and if something is really good, you should put it away for a month. —James Salter

If you’re a singer, you lose your voice. A baseball player loses his arm. A writer gets more knowledge, and if he’s good, the older he gets, the better he writes. —Mickey Spillane

All my life I’ve looked at words as though I were seeing them for the first time. —Ernest Hemingway

Always do sober what you said you’d do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut. —Ernest Hemingway

Survival is triumph enough.Harry Crews

I never wanted to be well rounded, and I do not admire well-rounded people nor their work. So far as I can see, nothing good in the world has ever been done by well-rounded people. The good work is done by people with jagged, broken edges, because those edges cut things and leave an imprint, a design. —Harry Crews

“Tom Poland is an inquisitive man who keeps an eye out for extravagant chunks of nature, disappearing cultures, and people who are salt of the earth. He has ridden those so-called back roads for years chewing foods, sipping drinks, absorbing stories and documenting his finds. Change is what Poland touches upon frequently.” —Wayne Ford of the Athens Banner Herald  

Your “blue-collar writer” image is astounding. Is there any higher compliment that anyone can pay to another than to say that you can “Leap across an existential aloneness?” And, your ability to enter into my southern experiences and draw out of them more than I ever imagined is the highest honor. I treasure each of your writings because you teach me more about myself and my world than I see. My sponge continues to absorb your stories. —Reg Cholton


Recipient of the Order Of The Palmetto—The highest civilian honor in the State of South Carolina. It recognizes a person’s lifetime achievements and contributions to the State of South Carolina and her people.

Member of Authors Round the South

SC Humanities Speakers Bureau

SC ETV Advisory Council

I don’t understand how a writer can get writer’s block, so called. My problem is having too much and not being able to get it all down. —James Dickey 

Because I was born in the South, I’m a Southerner. If I had been born in the North, the West, or the Central Plains, I would be just a human being. —Clyde Edgerton

I almost cried for what we have lost. I cannot tell you how much it meant to me for you to take me back with you. —Brenda Bancroft, North Augusta, SC

That was about the best program we ever had. Someone compared you to Mark Twain. I had no idea of your gifts of humor.—Tony Scully, president, Kershaw County Historical Society

I just  discovered your stories online. I really enjoy your writing. I plan to read them like my Mama read the Bible—a little at a time so that I can savor them. —Bill Hatch of Carolina Moon Distillery, Edgefield SC

Author and “blue-collar historian” Tom Poland documents the disappearing rural and folk traditions of South Carolina and eastern Georgia with a voice somewhere between newspaper columnist and general store front porch raconteur. — Kyle Petersen

There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility is being superior to your former self. —Ernest Hemingway

Reader on “Moonshine Memories. ” This was one of the most touching stories I have ever read. It touched me in so many different ways that I lost count. I learned about your writing this year and am looking forward to reading all of it. God bless you for your work and what it means to people. I plan to attend the Southern Studies Showcase and hope to see you there.—Kathy Orr

There comes a time when you realize that everything is a dream, and only those things preserved in writing have any possibility of being real. —James Salter

No iron can pierce the heart with such force as a period put just at the right place. ―Babel

The writing life is essentially one of solitary confinement—if you can’t deal with this you needn’t apply. —Will Self in The Guardian

Scars have the strange power to remind us that our past is real. —Cormac McCarthy, All the Pretty Horses

I don’t know why I started writing. I don’t know why anybody does it. Maybe they’re bored, or failures at something else. ― Cormac McCarthy

In going where you have to go, and doing what you have to do, and seeing what you have to see, you dull and blunt the instrument you write with. But I would rather have it bent and dull and know I had to put it on the grindstone again and hammer it into shape and put a whetstone to it, and know that I had something to write about, than to have it bright and shining and nothing to say, or smooth and well-oiled in the closet, but unused. —Ernest Hemingway

Writing is a kind of smoke, seized and put on paper. —James Salter

To be a writer is to be sentenced to correcting. —James Salter

It’s dangerous not to let things age, and if something is really good, you should put it away for a month. —James Salter

If you’re a singer, you lose your voice. A baseball player loses his arm. A writer gets more knowledge, and if he’s good, the older he gets, the better he writes. —Mickey Spillane

All my life I’ve looked at words as though I were seeing them for the first time. —Ernest Hemingway

Always do sober what you said you’d do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut. —Ernest Hemingway

Survival is triumph enough.Harry Crews

I never wanted to be well rounded, and I do not admire well-rounded people nor their work. So far as I can see, nothing good in the world has ever been done by well-rounded people. The good work is done by people with jagged, broken edges, because those edges cut things and leave an imprint, a design. —Harry Crews

52 thoughts on “Memory Land—The Past

  1. Love these site… these things are slipping away too fast. Sometimes change is good, sometimes change is not good.
    Liesha Huffstetler, Dutch Fork Historical Society

  2. Hello Tom. Mike Wilson
    Nice to meet you and I like it that you care about the South’s Heritage
    I live in Pickens SC. Lots of history around here. Right now the biggest thing happing up here is the old Singer plant being renovated into several things. This old plant served this community for many years. I worked there as a teenager in 1976 for awhile. We made all types of hand tools for Sears. Such as skil saws, drills ect. So glad to see it not being torn down. It will be turned into the Hosea Industrial Park. Right it’s open daily. You might find it interesting to write a piece on it. I do photography and have a drone that I have captured some great photos and video. Just love going back in time in this old place.
    If you are interested I can hook you up with the right people.
    Thanks again. Mike

    • Thank you, Mike for contacting me. I’m glad to hear this positive news. Stay in touch so I can let you know when I’ll be up that way. I like the region and would love to get up during fall “color” season. I’d like to see your photos and footage too.

  3. Saw your story in Lancaster news. Picture of millstone intrigued me. I live in an antibellum home the Wade Beckham house. We have three milestones at our front stoop. How can I get that one. It would go well. Would love a matching set. Thanks.

  4. My whole life since I was old enough to learn about the Old South from pre Civil War,during the War to afterwards has always intrgigued me very much. Especially the Antebellum homes still being lived in to the abandoned ones. I live in Washington Ga & we have a huge Red Angus farm in Talieffero Co. off Hwy 44 that is near 500 acres & nearly 200 yrs been in family. Old barns & antiques still there as well as 2 very old cemetery’s that I believe have old Confederate soldiers buried there.

  5. Hi Tom it is so nice to meet you! My husband and I bought an old Farmhouse on a hill that once we began pulling off all the paneling and sheetrock we discovered we had a Federal Era home 1780 to 1830. It is called the Old Weber Home Place. Mike from SC Preservation stopped by and walked through and was impressed with the age, making comment it could very well be the oldest in Newberry County. If u are ever in the county reach out I too am a history major!

    • How nice to hear from you and what a great discovery. Mike is great to work with and he knows his stuff. I get up your way from time to time. Got to my website contact page and send me an email so we can stay in touch. Thank you for writing me. —Tom

  6. Did you know that Myrtle Beach was named for the wax myrtle not the crape myrtle ? You made this error in Reflections of South Carolina.

  7. Tom, Writing and talking about the history of our revered South is a passion. Enough time is never available to put into print the wonderful and inspiring truths we find in our work You do it as well or better than anyone I know. In a way you remind me of my friend and writer James Everett Kibler of Newberry. He too has a talent that is hard to match because it is not just from his brain that thoughts flow, but from his heart. That is you, my friend.

  8. Dear Tom, So glad that James asked you to friend me..Loved all I’ve read this a,m,.we are second cousins I believe. Remember your grandparents,as Thelma was my daddies sister. Your granddad had a big barbecue every year and all Blanchard’s descended on them. Those were wonderful times, and I’m sorry to say I didn’t appreciate them like I should have. Anyway, Tom it’s so nice to hear from you.

    • It’s wonderful to be able to share my memories with you. Thelma was my grandmother. I think of her all the time and she is prominent in my work. Those were fabulous times. We miss things once they’re gone. I’ll keep the stories coming. I thank James for connecting us. —Tom

  9. Love your reflections on our beloved south. In edgefield my home town we have a bit of notorious history.Becky cotton was one.also several shootouts at a saloon here in town.people would say if a car backfired everyone hit the ground thinking someone was shooting at them.another book about the timmerman and logue feud is wanton Woman.this books focus mostly on sue logue. Come to edgefield.walk around the history of our cute little town.

    • Thank you, Nancy. I get to Edgefield often to speak and to explore the area. I’ve spoken at Southern Studies and spoken to groups in the Tompkins Memorial Library. Lots of great stories there. I’ll keep telling them.

  10. Today, while traveling near Thomson, we listened to your Radio Show with my friend Cooper, — I am the model building, Peters burg, the old river town– and will be watching your schedule, to do a live visit sometime later this year, Sid Johnson//Elberton with about 25 years in Columbia– more later. Enjoyed your show !

  11. Just became aware of you and your works. Looking forward to getting to know more about both.

    I also attended UGA (more parties than classes) with intentions of becoming the next great writer of advertising copy or maybe an equally renowned sports columnist for a major daily.

    However, this S. GA nerd wasn’t prepared for being away from home alone, yet invited to so many parties every week, almost every night. Vietnam was calling as well. Disowned by parents financially for precipitous drop in grades from 3rd in Jesup HS class to below “sweat hogs” status as Sophomore Journalism Major in Athens.

    Managed to teach 9th grade English in Lyons on a provisional certificate as most of the public school teachers fled to the newly formed private schools prior to that system’s first year of federally enforced integration.

    Lucked into an opening in the AF Reserves unit at Charleston AFB on a Thursday, just in the nick of time as my notice had arrived from Ft. McPherson to appear for my physical there the following Monday. Whew!

    FINALLY finished college at Georgia Southern (working my way through) majoring in English & minoring in Journalism, working 6 shifts a week as “beer tender” at “The Flame” night club in Statesboro after my 6 months active duty in Charleston.

    All good. No student loans. Earned new respect (tinged with extra credit for maturity) from my parents. Moved my act & diploma to FL for the next few decades. Skip to today..,,

    Retired with my Ukrainian Warrior Princess on Lake Murray near Chapin, SC. When “this thing going around“ goes away, here’s hoping we can meet for a bologna sandwich somewhere.

    Be good to yourself until then.

    Gilbert “Gib” Henry

  12. I was hoping to find some info of your SC country roads. I love history. I spent many years on a houseboat at Lake Russell. That was always an adventure! I live on a farm between Colbert & Comer just off Hwy. 72. My road is named after the Brickyard by the river where bricks were made. Also lots of Indian artifacts in this area. Oh, old blown up remains of moonshine stills too! I find so many of these “finds” interesting!

  13. Just found you on GAB. I love your writing! You remind me of John Parris who wrote for the Asheville Citizens Times. I have a few of his books. I grew up in NC but live in middle Tn. now. I look forward to reading more of your work!!!

  14. Enjoy your stories in the Lancaster News. We have season tickets to the Masters and have for many years stayed at the Cullars Inn in Lincolnton, Ga. Thought you might be familiar with this.
    Planted 50 daffodil bulbs 11 years ago and never more than 1 bloom on maybe 6 or 8 plants. last year we cut down 5 large trees beside them and this year they are all blooming and are beautiful. Makes me smile every time I look out my window.

    • Actually, think the additional sun made the biggest difference. But sure has made a difference in my attitude.
      If and when we get back to the Masters and pass your property I’ll throw up a hand and wave, and keep writing your excellent articles.

  15. Each day you live in your writing.
    You have a lot of Hemingway in you Tom Poland. I enjoy your work very much.
    Thank you for your photography and your dedication to the written word. You are an inspiration. I appreciate you.
    B. Newman Bancroft

  16. Just read you ‘For the Birds’ article about your Mother and the Bird Clocks’. I have 6 feeders and I know what you mean when you feel guilty when they are empty!! I am sure you have found someone to live the Bird Clock but if not, I would be happy to take it off your hands. My Mom and Dad always had feeders and lived bird watching as do I. My habits are similar to yours as making coffee then checking on the feeders and the bird activity. A great writer to be sure!

  17. Thank you for that story about your “last dog.”you truly are the best writer in the world. It’s best you did not get another dog. I hate the ritual of their putting my beloved dogs to death. I didn’t realize how much Dad did, that nobody else could do. After he buried Cricket, our Irish Setter, who lived to be 16., Dad and I cried and cried together. I forgave all of his flaws that day.
    He buried some more after that. None lived as long as Cricket. After my beloved Porky, I didn’t want another dog. I have one now, but I can never love him like I loved Porky. Not like my Porky. When a love song plays, I think of Porky. Those 4 guys ll Divo and their song about the beautiful face of their beloved., that is my theme song for Beautiful Porky. She was my treasure. Rocky is my functional dog, and he is quite good at that. He lets me know if someone is walking down the sidewalk, across the street, and barks ferociously. He wouldn’t hurt a fly. I don’t know if you wrote that recently, or long ago. I just saw it today for the first time. Your eloquence is lovely. Thanks. It helps to remember all that Dad did.

  18. Your sister posted this lovely story My Last Dog on Will and Wee Jess and now I am compelled to write to tell you how much I appreciated this. I lived in Myrtle Beach briefly in the 80’s and go back to the area periodically because I am drawn to the Carolinas.. My ex dragged me away.

  19. Tom Poland: I read your story about “Bob’s Store” in the Chapin Neighbors magazine. . . . . . . Where is Bob’s store located?

  20. Yesterday, I received, from my daughter and her husband, an autographed copy of your book, The Last Sunday Drive. You were in Columbia at a book signing and met them both and when you learned that my wife and I live in Lincolnton, you included a reference to that in the signing. Thank you for this and the thrill it gave to my daughter and her husband to meet you. We are of the same era, so I do follow your articles in the Lincolnton paper and now through your books and other writings. Many of your memories are mine also, and almost always bring back a shelved past experience. We did meet once at the Huddle House in Lincolnton, some years ago. RB

  21. Hi Tom. Enjoy your column carried by The Manning Times. Regarding your story about the Lone Star community. I hope when you photographed the picture of O K Zeagler’s store that is now part of Lone Star BBQ And Mercantile the restaurant was open. If not it’s worth a visit to try the tomato pie especially now with the local homegrown tomatoes being used.

    • I was traveling with a fellow who was in a rush to get back. And as it happened the store was close but I intend to go back on my own. Thank you for writing me. I am a big fan of tomato pie and homegrown tomatoes. —Tom

  22. Thank you Tom for speaking this weekend to the Greenwood SC Historical Society! You captured our audience with your humor, history, and love of all things past. Your ability to just tell stories is something that so many people enjoy, and our people in Greenwood are no exception. Thanks for helping us relive the past….again! Look forward to having you share with us again!

  23. Tom,
    Thank you for your article today, “The Ruins of Old Chappells”. My mother was born and grew up in Chappells, and taught her children to respect and love Chappells, as she did. My family connections there go back many generations.
    My husband Jim and I had the privilege of meeting you at the home of our mutual friends, Millen and Armena Ellis, just outside Due West, months ago, and we enjoy your columns in the Greenwood Index Journal very much! Thank you for your work as a southern writer who opens our eyes to much beauty and history around us.

    • Thank you so much for commenting. I remember meeting you. Armena called me earlier this week and we’re planning another book talk over in Abbeville. Perhaps you can attend? Here are the details: Oct, 9, Abbeville Book Group, Abbeville Presybeterian Church, SC Back Roads, 3:30 p.m. I really appreciate your kind words.

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